


关于”与平等“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:And 。以下是关于与平等雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


In , have and in the and . Some beli that can achi in an . beli that only when to or fail to own mets can high be .

What do you of the and ? An is one in the same ghts and . I that can achi in such a . is an in .

I that all have to free , and be free. For who to psue a in a is no free or can it, only and fm ch can get the best , so they will be for the job This will ense that, in my , ghts and do not with 's to or fail. In , does not mean that lose the to , or that they are not to fail.

I beli that if most that they are in a fair , they will work and Yo . On the hand, who don't do the same will know that they've , , and will be to lose , bee they will know that the of are won by with . In , in my , is a and .






On in the era when 's full is to be a good , a good wife and a good , is far fm men and . Up to , the so- has been for than a . As a , in my , it has into the of "".

Most of us that in this , men and be , but what does this mean? want to with men, they , for male jobs, and so on. They plan to buy all the and of a man over the long . They some .

They are and n all know that and men are and . It is and n to iore and psue the so- " ". We can't a man to give to a , just as we can't the sun to se.

, in the west, we can't a to be the fas in the . It's , but it to be by . is not into o.

Real be on the of , bee some jobs only If men can do well , not feel . When we fail, are some jobs that can be only with 's . are not of , but laws.

What is the of ghts and . Only when all to the spit of , can the with men Etc. has been on for than a .

As a , in my , this is an . It is to iore and psue the so- . It is n a ght .





is a hot in . U.S. is to and in his of the on .

One he may not is that has in the past few , in part bee high- men and with are to than with or with pay lls get 。 , at the of 's , and in ( , an at the of , , and , an at , fm ( of ) , and in (move) in of ) ( of ) the , " like you: all of and ," that are in the and to find a with and the " like you: all of and " (the is: the ch are cher, is and ) is 3。

5 the in the and has to than fo the of the 。 By then, the of such has bee of " "。

in are the main dver of sing , the said. The don't come up with a . They do that if the same as in, will , so if to , and the in this is less , then will bee the of are , " to the say.


收入不平等是一个热门话题,总统预计将在周二国情咨文中强调不平等和经济流动,他可能不会讨论一个因素是:在过去几xx年里,收入不平等变得更为严重,部分原因是受过大学教育高收入男女更有可能结婚,而不是与教育程度或工资水平不同伴侣结婚。宾夕法尼亚大学经济学家杰里米•格林伍德•内齐赫•古纳( )研究论文,经济学中组织和投票(位于巴塞罗那康斯坦茨大学经济学家乔治科恰尔科夫和曼海姆大学经济学家塞扎尔桑托斯跟踪趋势从到(宾夕法尼亚大学)杰里米格林伍德市场,经济学中组织与投票(MOVE)康斯坦茨内齐赫·古内鲁尼大学( of ) ( of ) 论文,“像你一样结婚:各种各样和收入不平等,“发现女在劳动力市场中增加以及越来越倾向于找一个具有相似教育和专业背景伴侣,这加剧了收入趋势“像你一样结婚:各种各样和收入不平等”(结果是:富人越来越富有,他们收入是平均水平3.5倍收入已经跃升到最低收入者平均水平四倍多。到那时为止,这种平均收入家庭状况已经恶化,原因是“收入更加两极分化”。


标签: 英语
